As of 2023, a new VCE Music Study Design is being implemented across Victoria.
This brings with it some significant changes to previous Study Designs for this subject, including an expansion of possible Unit 3 & 4 streams and adjustments to key skills and knowledge across all outcome areas.
With supporting material and advice being generated from VCAA and the wider sector through 2023, this is the page for you to stay up-to-date.
Everything you need in one place
Access a growing collection of useful links and resources, as created by VCAA, AMUSE, ASME Vic and more, as well as summaries and additional information for all things DSMusic & VCE.
As the name of the game here is musicianship and music literacy, please be aware that all of these links and resources have a focus on Outcome 3, or music aural, music theory and music performance analysis—the components that make up the end-of-year Aural & Written examination. However, where appropriate, we’ve also connected you with content that supports the performance requirements in the Unit 3 & 4 streams.
The information, content and resources provided have been done so in good faith, however, a disclaimer, DSMusic does not work for VCAA. We recommend you visit their website for official bulletins and updates, and follow the supportive efforts of others in our DSMusic community.
How are DSMusic resources impacted by the new Study Design?
With the new VCE Music Study Design being implemented in 2023, the plan is to keep the current editions of the DSMusic VCE books: Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School Level 3 and Decoding Sound: Music Analysis for the Secondary School as is.
This is mostly because the new Study Design requirements are still covered in these texts and that saves you spending money buying new versions.
You can get DSMusic Unit 4 practice exams and Unit 3 sample SACs right now for Repertoire Performance and Contemporary Performance, as well as Unit 1 & Unit 2 Practice Assessment material and VCE Music Inquiry.
Aural & Written Examination 2023 Papers & Reports (VCAA):
- 2023 VCE Music Repertoire Performance examination
- 2023 VCE Music Repertoire Performance audio zip file
- 2023 VCE Music Repertoire Performance performance external assessment report
- 2023 VCE Music Repertoire Performance written external assessment report
- 2023 VCE Music Contemporary Performance examination
- 2023 VCE Music Contemporary Performance audio zip file
- 2023 VCE Music Contemporary Performance performance external assessment report
- 2023 VCE Music Contemporary Performance written external assessment report
Assorted Links (VCAA):
- VCAA VCE Music Page
- VCAA VCE Music Study Design 2023-2027
- VCAA 2023 VCE Music Repertoire Performance Units 3 and 4 Prescribed List Of Instruments And Works
- VCAA On-Demand Professional Learning: Introduction to the new Study Design
- VCAA VCE Music: Planning
- VCAA VCE Music: Teaching and Learning
- VCAA VCE Music: Assessment
- VCAA Glossary of Terms
- VCAA Support for School Based Assessment
- VCAA Repertoire Performance – Examination Specifications
- VCAA Contemporary Performance – Examination Specifications
- VCE Music Repertoire Performance Sample Aural and Written Examination
- VCE Music Contemporary Performance Sample Aural and Written Examination
For links and resources from VCAA in support of the previous Study Design 2017-2022, click here.
Other Links:
- ASME Vic Resources: Australian Compositions Post 1990 & Dynamic Repertoire List
- Australian Music Centre Resources: Repertoire List
- AMUSE VCE Conference 2022 FAQs
Access Free Supplementary Resources
DSMusic is currently developing supplementary resources to support teachers and students with new elements of this VCE Music Study Design. Click on the images below to access.