Our philosophy is all about being fully musically literate
This is the ability to hear/listen, speak/sing/play/perform, read and write with understanding! Or, to be able to see what you hear (as if it were written on a score) and to hear what you see (hear the notation you are looking at).
That’s why this Kodály-inspired approach to music education is for everyone. It’s inclusive & accessible because it’s singing-based - no special equipment required - and it’s designed around sequential learning that is rigorous, creative & engaging.

It’s not just for Kodály teachers!
The great thing about this approach is that it aligns exactly with what we consider best teaching practice - building a strong foundation, scaffolding clear and logical steps and then reinforcing and consolidating. DSMusic resources are all designed to support any educator to teach music literacy in this way.
Comprehensive, affordable & adaptable!
DSMusic has ALL the resources and support you need to teach music literacy, aural training, musicianship, theory and performance analysis for Years 5-12 and beyond!
All of the planning and preparation has been done for you - everything from curriculum documents, lesson plans and assignments through to practice exams and audio for dictations! The material is accessible, affordable and adaptable to any Australian or international curriculum.
Plus there’s plenty of support, professional development opportunities, online courses and workshops to help along the way.

With our flagship series, it’s never been easier!
Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School covers three levels of learning:
• Level 1 for upper primary (elementary)/lower secondary (high school) students (Years 5 through to Year 8)
• Level 2 for middle secondary students (high school) (Years 9 & 10)
• Level 3 for upper secondary students (high school) (Years 11 & 12 and beyond)
This includes 100s of practical activities and written tasks for developing listening skills, aural training & musicianship, plus there’s worksheets, transcriptions and games, as well as listening, responding & analysis tasks.
Everything you need!
Whatever concept you need, we’ve got you covered:
...beat, rhythm, metre, pitch, solfa, melody, intervals, notation,
transposition, harmony, form, scales, modes, articulation, keys,
chords, chord progressions, chord charts, tempo, dynamics and
much, much more...!
Shari Bhatt
I have been using Deb’s books and resources for more than 20 years and I can honestly say that I am a much better teacher because of them! They help me ensure all my students are experiencing success in music!

Kerry Trounson
I use Deb’s books in all my classes from Yr 6 – 12. I greatly value the fact that this is a scaffolded and sequential program that develops music literacy and aural skills that will take my students from absolute beginner skills to VCE Music readiness.

Carlos Escobar
For teachers who wish to teach music literacy, I can think of no greater pool of resources. The textbooks provide easy lessons that incorporate a clear progression of literacy with tips and resources to engage a wide variety of skills within the classroom.

Explore Pathways
With content across year levels and abilities, this is your complete music curriculum solution.

Booklist DSMusic
Save time and booklist sequential, adaptable & affordable curriculum with us today!
Deb’s here to help!
I’m passionate about supporting teachers in their classrooms and giving them the tools to create musically literate young musicians.
I’ve taught in schools for years, led music departments and authored a series of curriculum resources and assessment materials.
I’ve been active in the Victorian Kodály scene for a long time as contributor to training course material and lecturer because I believe in this approach to music education.
Ultimately, I love creating new resources and helping teachers, so if you’re interested, get in touch for a chat.