
3 Ways to Use Flashcards in Your Music Classroom

3 Ways to Use Flashcards in Your Music Classroom

Flashcards have to be one of the most useful resources a teacher can have in their classroom! Use them to save you having to write on the board or let the kids use them to recognise – and match...

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Top 10 Videos for Scales & Key Signatures

Top 10 Videos for Scales & Key Signatures

The aim of the game here at DSMusic is sequential music literacy and really knowing. This means step-by-step teaching and learning of music aural and music theory concepts, followed by the practicing...

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4 FREE compositional device resources for music performance analysis

4 FREE compositional device resources for music performance analysis

Dive into the four compositional devices in the VCE Music Study Design - with tips and listening examples....

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Step-by-step tips for getting better at rhythmic dictation.

Step-by-step tips for getting better at rhythmic dictation.

A question I often get asked by students – especially in the lead up to exams! – is how to do dictations. Here at DSMusic, we’re big on really knowing these concepts, whether...

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Top 10 Videos for Chords, Chord Progressions & Cadences

Top 10 Videos for Chords, Chord Progressions & Cadences

Here at DSMusic, we understand that a lot of what we teach and learn in the music aural and theory space is connected. While this often means we can practice several musical concepts within the same...

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Top 6 Ways Solfa Can Help You With Music Performance

Top 6 Ways Solfa Can Help You With Music Performance

While we all know that becoming truly musically literate — which is the aim of the game here at DSMusic — lends itself quite well to improving our musicianship and theory skills, all that...

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Ways to gamify rhythm in your music classroom.

Ways to gamify rhythm in your music classroom.

When exams are looming it can be tempting to take what’s needed for test-time and build your music classes around that. Here at DSMusic though, we’re fans of fostering music literacy and...

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Top 10 Tips for Tackling Music Performance Analysis

Top 10 Tips for Tackling Music Performance Analysis

Here at DSMusic, we’re pretty heavily focused on the music language side of things, and the really knowing. However, we’re also big fans of music performance analysis —...

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Why singing is key for music teaching and learning.

Why singing is key for music teaching and learning.

When I set out to design the DSMusic material, I knew I wanted to create a program that would teach my students to become truly musically literate – to be able to ‘read’ and...

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Melodies, musicianship & mindfulness.

Melodies, musicianship & mindfulness.

Top 10 Videos for Aural & Theory Concepts! We know preparing, practicing and really knowing music aural & theory can be a bit challenging because we don’t really know where to start. To...

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A Few of my Favourite ….. Interval Activities

A Few of my Favourite ….. Interval Activities

A Few of my Favourite ….. Interval Activities I was recently struck by how many activities we need to keep our students interested and engaged in our music classes. If we teach something to our...

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Top 10 Videos for Music Theory & Aural Concepts

Top 10 Videos for Music Theory & Aural Concepts

Here at DSMusic, we’re big on all things music language, and building music literacy using Kodály-inspired strategies. We know that while the fundamentals of what we’re teaching and...

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