Deb’s here to help!

DSMusic resources are designed to be interactive & integrated - that means that the textbooks, the Music Language Online Course - Musicianship (MLOCM) and the Music Teacher’s Digital Library (MTDL) work alongside each other.

Additionally, MLOCM slots in perfectly for students needing a ‘crash course’ in aural ahead of senior years classes, or as dedicated exam revision, because it teaches more than just what’s needed curriculum-wise.

Deb’s here to help!

Muscle up your musicianship

How do we exercise our music literacy?

With a dedicated & diligent daily set of practice activities!

Take the bootcamp with Deb & strengthen your skills!

Weekly interactive PDFs & videos!

MLOCM details sequential steps to practice identifying scales, intervals, chords & chord progressions, while also improving your sightreading, memorisation and intonation.

It takes the Kodály-inspired approach to consolidation and practice - making music literacy second nature!

Weekly interactive PDFs & videos!


VCE Student, Warrnambool College

It’s like working closely with an experienced teacher all year, going through all the music aural and theory you need to know for the exam, and I think it is an incredibly valuable tool for anyone studying VCE music.


VCE Student, Chairo Christian School

I’ve found being more able to sing the theory elements is surprisingly helpful for recognising them. I was a little sceptical about how much benefit this course would do me at first but I’m well and truly feeling the benefits now, thanks so much.


VCE Student, Presbyterian Ladies College

I personally have noticed so much improvement in the areas I used to consider my weaker areas – so much so that I am probably most confident in those! I cannot recommend this course enough!

Join Deb for a 10-week musicianship bootcamp

In the same way we need to practice our instruments, we also need to ‘exercise’ our musicianship!

This self-directed (but supported!) online course gives you daily practice activities for all your aural needs, and remember, it’s never too late to learn solfa!

Join Deb for a 10-week musicianship bootcamp