10 Weeks of Solfa Online Course – Introduction

10 Weeks of Solfa Program: Introduction

Are you ready?

This is a 10 week solfa program designed to help VCE Music Performance students (and their teachers) practice all the aural and theory concepts required for the end of year Written Exam!

This has come about because of all those wonderful students who attended past VCE Workshops who have asked how they can use this method to help even though there are only 10 weeks (or how many ever weeks you have left)  to go.

So, it is not perfect, (perfect would be starting to learn all this 9 months before you were born) to begin 10 weeks before an exam – but rest assured that ANYTHING you do on this will help and will be better than nothing!

How does it work?

Each of the 10 weeks of the program has a set of tasks for you to do -you simply need to open the appropriate week to find all the information, worksheets etc required for that week.

Each week there is:

  1. The “10 weeks of solfa program” for that week with the links to the videos for each activity.
  2. A suggested daily breakdown of the program – to give you an idea of how you can get through everything successfully.
  3. A checklist/self-evaluation form for that week to complete- to help you keep track of where you are at with each week’s work. (Particularly helpful if you are doing 1 wee of the course over more than 1 week).
  4. A video task. I would love you to share these with me (via dropbox or similar – please do not email the actual video to me – only the link or the share video email.) if you would like to do so. I am happy to provide feedback if you do.

Of course how much or how little you do is completely up to you – as with all things in life you will only get out what you put in.

I would also like to remind you that if you have anything you would like more information or help on you only need email me.

I will either email you a response, create a video showing how to…. or I will suggest we (skype) chat to help you through the problem.

So get up 20 mins earlier every day and practice with me!

I would love to know if you are doing it and how you are finding it so please email me to let me know?

So get to it! Week 1 is ready and online at http://dsmusic.com.au/digitalresources/10-weeks-solfa-week-1/ now!


