New Teaching Song – Brodie!


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Brodie! – Game Instructions

Formation: Students stand in circle facing inwards. One student moves around the inside of the circle facing the other students.
Each think of their dog’s name (or the name they would call their dog if they had one!) and the student in the middle can replace “Bro-die” with their dog’s name if they like.

 Phrase 1:

“Run-ning in the”   – tap rhythm on knees

“park it’s”             – clap rhythm

“Brodie! Brodie!” – student in middle and person they are facing  clap right hands together then clap own hands then clap left hands together and clap own hand (pat-a-cake). All other students clap the rhythm.
Note – the student in the middle sings the name of their dog on their own during this first phrase. Everyone copies together for future phrases.

Phrase 2:

“Run-ning in the”   – tap rhythm on knees

“park it’s”             – clap rhythm

“fun you know”.   – student in middle and person they are facing clap right hands together then clap own hands then clap left hands together. All other students continue clapping the rhythm.

Phrase 3 – Repeat Phrase 1.

Phrase 4:

“Run-ning but it’s” – tap rhythm on knees

“time to”               – clap rhythm

“go!”.                    – student in middle and person they are facing clap right hands together. All other students clap the rhythm.

At the end of each phrase the student in the middle takes a step to their right (will clap with 4 different students – 1 for each phrase).

At the end of the song student in middle of circle swaps places with student whose hands they just clapped.

Extension: have more than one person in the middle.