Tick off the minimum and teach the maximum!

There’s a wealth of material and support available from DSMusic to teach, scaffold and really know music literacy and music performance analysis.

However, there’s also a dynamic and rigorous pool of assessment material, including rubrics, question banks and practice exams that aligns with curriculum and tracks progress.

Tick off the minimum and teach the maximum!

Assess the DSMusic way

We know teachers already have a huge administrative workload to contend with. 

Who has time to create curriculum-aligned & ready-made assessment material?

DSMusic does - let us help you!

DSMusic support for senior years music

DSMusic is based in Melbourne, so the assessment material at the senior years is for VCE - find everything you need from Unit 1 through to multiple Unit 3/4 pathways plus useful links to VCAA documents.

However the VCE material is relevant to senior years music everywhere, so be sure to explore what’s on offer!

DSMusic support for senior years music

Nicole Bull

The wide range of question banks available made it easy to select the best fit for our needs and the abundance of resources provided was truly impressive and saved me a significant amount of time.


Matthew Frampton

To assist formal evaluation and reporting, longer-form assessed coursework and tests provide a reliable library of questions & examples - students & teachers get continuous feedback on musical development, detailed templates and rubrics aligned to learning outcomes.


Shari Bhatt

I particularly love the revision lessons and worksheets. I can regularly check-in on students’ understanding & written skills to adjust my teaching according to the areas of need. I love that I can do this without having to create all the resources myself.

Browse DSMusic

Know which assessment product you need for your classroom? Check out the DSMusic Shop!

Explore Pathways

Seeking some teaching & scaffolding content across year levels and abilities? We’ve got what you need!

Request a Resource

Is the assessment material you need not here? Get in touch with us and we’ll try & help you!