
  • What should a Music Literacy Program contain to be TRULY GREAT?

    The famous Hungarian composer, Zoltan Kodály, once said that to be a good musician we must have: 1. A well-trained ear.2. A well-trained intelligence.3. A well-trained heart.4. A well-trained hand. All four must develop together, in constant equilibrium. In today’s fast paced world, students (and often their parents) want to be able to “play the […]

  • Intervals, Analysis and Access — Music Is Transformative

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up Seeking some Analysis Aid? Get yourself a step-by-step look at expressive outcome (feeling, character or mood), the elements of music (including the expressive ones!) and how all of this contributes to interpretation in performance. Plus, build your analysis […]

  • Great TED talks for music educators (and students)

    As we head into our school holidays I thought it might be a great opportunity to enjoy some inspirational speaking via some amazing TED talks by musicians and music educators. Here’s what I consider to be the pick of the bunch. Enjoy! PS Do you have a favorite TED talk? Share if you do! Richard Gill: […]

  • Human Brain is Wired for Harmony

    Interesting article by Elizabeth Norton in ScienceNOW about how we are wired for harmony! “Stop that noise! Many creatures, such as human babies, chimpanzees, and chicks, react negatively to dissonance—harsh, unstable, grating sounds. Since the days of the ancient Greeks, scientists have wondered why the ear prefers harmony. Now, scientists suggest that the reason may go […]

  • Transcript of National Curriculum Address to the KMEIA National Conference by Richard Gill OAM

    The following is the transcript of my National Curriculum address at the recent Kodaly Music Education Conference, held in Adelaide from Tuesday, October 2nd to Friday, October 5th

  • Transcript of Key Note Address to the KMEIA National Conference by Richard Gill OAM

    The following is the transcript of my keynote address at the recent Kodaly Music Education Conference, held in Adelaide from Tuesday, October 2nd to Friday, October 5th


    A LIST OF REASONS TO INCLUDE MUSIC IN THE SCHOOLS from 1.Educates the creative part of the brain 2.Teaches you to express yourself