10 Weeks of Solfa Week 3

10 Weeks of Solfa Program: WEEK 3

Scales and Modes – Videos 1, 15

Sing the Major scale in solfa with handsigns 3 times http://goo.gl/nE8anand in 3 different keys in solfa with handsigns and in letter names https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQVC8ah6OI4

Video 16

Sing the Major pentatonic scale in solfa with handsigns and with intervals 3 times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iqqb1oAgGg

Intervals – Video 17

Intervals Major and Perfect ascending and descending in solfa with handsigns x 3 times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKMbEtgyhaI

Melodic Dictation – Video 18a, b and c

1 Major melody each day– in solfa with handsigns 3 times and in 3 x different keys with letter names:

Triads and the suspended 4th chord – Video 19

Major, minor, diminished, Augmented triads and the suspended 4th chord https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OSuM8XtThU

Major Triad Chord chart – Video 5

In solfa with handsigns x 3 times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM0zy8XS-88

Rhythms – Videos 20 & 21

Read 1 simple time rhythm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugH92-BScAo    and one compound time rhythm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL5hvbyfvJI in time names per day (3 of each given)

Optional activity – Video of yourself singing (in solfa with handsigns) one of the Major melodies from this week (from memory if possible!) and email to Deb
