B. Which VMPC Course do I do?

There are two VMPC Courses in 2016 and a new one will be added in 2017.

The ones available in 2016 are as follows:

The VMPC Unit 3/4 A course

The VMPC Unit 3/4 A is for students in Unit 3 aiming to do the VCE Aural & Written examination at the end of THIS year.

This course aims to cover as much as possible of the Level 3 Musicianship & Aural Training book as quickly as possible (preferably early in Term 3) leaving most of Term 3 and the start of Term 4 for you to revise.

As there are 16 Sections covered in the VMPC (all taken from the Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School Level 3 Book and CDs) you will need to determine how much time to allocate to each Section. This depends on how much time you have left before the VCE Aural & Written examination is to take place. Feel free to contact me if I can help with this: deborah@dsmusic.com.au

The VMPC Unit 1/2 course

The VMPC Unit 1/2 course is for students in Unit 1 aiming to do the VCE Aural & Written examination at the end of NEXT year.

This course aims to cover the Level 3 Musicianship & Aural Training book Section 1 to Section 6 in Semester 1 and Section 7 to 11 in Semester 2 (this is in line with the practice exam expectations in the Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School Practice Exams Teacher Book and CD).

This course is very similar to the VMPC Unit 3/4 A course however it will go slower and have many more practice activities included.

Beginning in 2017:

The VMPC Unit 3/4 B course

In 2017 I will offer a VMPC Unit 3/4 B course (ONLY for those of you who have completed the VMPC Unit 3/4 A course) which will cover Sections 12 to 16 in Semester 1 and spend Semester 2 revising.

