
  • Top 10 Videos for Scales & Key Signatures

    The aim of the game here at DSMusic is sequential music literacy and really knowing. This means step-by-step teaching and learning of music aural and music theory concepts, followed by the practicing of these in a variety of ways. Scales and key signatures (tonality) are a vital part of any music literacy approach. They pop […]

  • Top 10 Videos for Chords, Chord Progressions & Cadences

    Here at DSMusic, we understand that a lot of what we teach and learn in the music aural and theory space is connected. While this often means we can practice several musical concepts within the same activity, it can also make step one a little daunting. Concept-wise — chords, chord progressions and cadences definitely fit […]

  • Top 6 Ways Solfa Can Help You With Music Performance

    While we all know that becoming truly musically literate — which is the aim of the game here at DSMusic — lends itself quite well to improving our musicianship and theory skills, all that do re mi also actually applies to the practical side of things too. That’s right! Solfa isn’t just for when you’re […]

  • Why singing is key for music teaching and learning.

    When I set out to design the DSMusic material, I knew I wanted to create a program that would teach my students to become truly musically literate – to be able to ‘read’ and ‘speak’ music like we do other languages. That is, when we see words written we understand their meaning and we know […]

  • Melodies, musicianship & mindfulness.

    Top 10 Videos for Aural & Theory Concepts! We know preparing, practicing and really knowing music aural & theory can be a bit challenging because we don’t really know where to start. To support all the great music-making happening around us, we’ve put together a top 10 list to point you in the right direction. […]

  • Top 10 Videos for Music Theory & Aural Concepts

    Here at DSMusic, we’re big on all things music language, and building music literacy using Kodály-inspired strategies. We know that while the fundamentals of what we’re teaching and learning in these spaces hasn’t changed too much, what we’re required to do come exam time often gets tweaked. This is the case for us in Victoria […]

  • Mapping melody, creating character and why we need music.

    Map your way through melody! To give you a starting point we’ve popped together 3 FREE activities for mapping melodic contour in your classroom. Plus, while you’re at it, find out what melody and melodic contour has to do with creating musical character and mood! Learn more in this DSMusic blog article. Check out some […]

  • Tackling tonality, beat and ways to practice!

    It’s Key Signatures & Tonality Time! What lies at the heart of tackling tonality? That’s right—it’s key signatures. Join Deb as she unpacks a FREE resource that brings together everything you need where key signatures, transposition and tonality are concerned. Learn more in this DSMusic blog article. Check out some resources and content you might […]

  • Why scales are key when it comes to tackling tonality.

    Anytime we’re approaching questions or activities built around the concept of tonality or key signatures, there’s a great deal of assumed knowledge we’re trying to tap into. As with much of our musicianship elements, everything is interconnected. We can’t teach and learn and really know tonality until we have an understanding of scales and key […]

  • Top 10 music literacy tips to set up your school year!

    Look, let’s be honest, returning to school for a new year feels a little bit like coming out of a deep festive-season-holiday hibernation. The thought of showing up on day one and having your entire music theory approach planned out for the year can be daunting. However, what you do on day one is actually […]

  • Inner Hearing — why audiation is key!

    As musicians we should aim to be able to read music just as easily as we read a book. When we read books, we hear the words in our mind rather than speaking them aloud. Just as we can hear the written word in our heads, it is important to learn how to hear written […]

  • Intervals, semiquavers and practicing how to practice!

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up DSMusic’s top tips for practicing musicianship! Needing to “practice” is quite a catch-cry in the music learning space but sometimes it can be a little harder to model what that might look like for our students, as far […]

  • Why you should record yourself during music practice!

    As a “performer” – even if you are only singing scales in the shower – you do not hear yourself the way others do. You may be too busy thinking about the Solfa names of the notes you are singing or the rhythm Deb asked you to clap as you sing that melody. Consequently, to […]

  • Ways to Actually PRACTICE your musicianship skills: DSMusic’s Top Tips

    Here at DSMusic, we’re big on all things music language, sequential scaffolding and skill strengthening. Cracking into concepts and then taking learning all the way through to knowing. Needing to “practice” is quite a catch-cry in the music learning space but sometimes it can be a little harder to model what that might look like […]

  • Practice tips, resource bundles & beating exam stress.

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up Get more of what you need from DSMusic for less!  Announcing the launch of FIVE brand new BUNDLE options for VCE Music! Bundle together the DSMusic online courses for Analysis & Musicianship to get your interpretation as well […]

  • What should a Music Literacy Program contain to be TRULY GREAT?

    The famous Hungarian composer, Zoltan Kodály, once said that to be a good musician we must have: 1. A well-trained ear.2. A well-trained intelligence.3. A well-trained heart.4. A well-trained hand. All four must develop together, in constant equilibrium. In today’s fast paced world, students (and often their parents) want to be able to “play the […]

  • Solfa, sailing & slow, mindful practice

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up It’s never too late to learn Solfa! Are you always stuck finding ways to get your students better at the musicianship stuff? The Music Language Online Course – Musicianship Module offers daily practice activities across a variety of concepts […]

  • Top Tips for Linking Music Literacy with Music Learning in the Instrumental Lesson

    My goal as a music teacher is to help students become musically literate in the same way as a language teacher helps their students become literate in the language they are being taught. But what does this mean? The Australian Curriculum document states that “Literacy” (referring to the English language) is the ability “to interpret […]

  • Teaching Music: Tips, Tools & Why We Do It

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up The Importance of Music Education Although all things music literacy and language of music are key here at DSMusic, we’re also big fans of terrific advocacy material. While we as music teachers and students understand the importance of […]

  • The what, how and why of handsigns

    Why use handsigns? Each Solfa note (do, re, mi etc.) has a certain shape you make with your hand whenever you sing it – a handsign. As you sing the notes, you also move your hand up and down in a way that matches how the pitches are moving. It’s this approach that means you […]

  • How Eilish & Holst can help you Decode Sound!

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up Build Better Performers! DSMusic has everything you need to digitally decode character, comparison, tempo, articulation, tone colour and more! Decoding Sound: Analysis for the Secondary School is a fully interactive way for students to build word lists and […]

  • Let’s learn about letter names!

    Music language is the method of human communication, either sung, played or written, consisting of the use of notes, in a structured and conventional way. If we’re thinking in terms of language, In music, letter notation can be a system used to represent pitches. In conventional Western note-naming, these are the letters A-G. These letter […]

  • Intervals, Analysis and Access — Music Is Transformative

    Check out some resources and content you might have missed around the DSMusic space recently. Resource Round-Up Seeking some Analysis Aid? Get yourself a step-by-step look at expressive outcome (feeling, character or mood), the elements of music (including the expressive ones!) and how all of this contributes to interpretation in performance. Plus, build your analysis […]

  • Why music literacy is as easy as do – re – mi!

    What is Tonic Solfa? Tonic Solfa or Moveable do Solfa is a system of note naming in which every note within a scale is given a name based on its relationship to the other notes within that key. This is called tonic, functional or moveable do solfa as each name represents the function of that particular note (for example the […]

  • Canons, Creativity & Communities

    Check out a few DSMusic free resources and a discover a round-up of our favourite finds this month.